
祂看顧麻雀His Eye Is On The Sparrow/詞: C.D.Martin/曲: C.H.Gabriel/Pianist by Kaleb Brasee/Solo by Teresa

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发布时间 24 May 2024 / 于 福音信息

典藏傳統聖詩 Classic Christian hymns
祂看顧麻雀 His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Lyrics: Mrs. Civilla D. Martin (1869-1948)
Music: Charles H._Gabriel (1856-1932)
Pianist by Kaleb Brasee
Solo by Teresa Huang
1.為何灰心常怨歎,Why should I feel discouraged?
為何黑雲瀰漫,Why should the shaddows come?
為何心靈覺孤單,Why should my heart be lonely,
甚至欲脫塵寰,and long for heaven and home,
耶穌是我的福杯,When Jesus is my portion,
祂是我的良友,My constant friend is he:
祂既看顧小麻雀,His eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑,and I know he watches me.
祂既看顧小麻雀,His eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑。and I know he watches me.

2. 我聽救主溫柔聲,His tender word I hear,
「除去你心憂愁」,"Let not your heart be troubled,"
安息主懷多恬靜,and resting on his goodness,
毫無疑懼戰兢,I lose my doubts and fears;
有主引領在前頭,though by the path he leadeth
步步跟隨祂走,but one step I may see:
祂既看顧小麻雀,His eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑,and I know he watches me.
祂既看顧小麻雀,His eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑。and I know he watches me.

3.當我每次遇試探,Whenever I am tempted,
黑雲遮蓋瀰漫,whenever clouds arise,
喜樂詩歌變哀歎,when song gives place to sighing,
盼望轉為暗淡;when hope within me dies;
我就要更親近主,I draw the closer to him,
祂必除我憂愁,from care he sets me free:
祂既看顧小麻雀,His eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑,and I know he watches me.
祂既看顧小麻雀,His eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑,and I know he watches me.

副歌〈 Refrain〉:
我唱因我得喜樂,I sing because I'm free,
我唱因我自由,I sing because I'm happy,
我救主既看顧麻雀,for his eye is on the sparrow,
深知我必蒙眷佑。and I know he watches me.
A. 詞曲作者 B. 演奏者 C.演唱者

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