
喚醒愛情 | 小羊詩歌《寶座》專輯

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发布时间 16 May 2023 / 于 赞美诗歌 / 小羊诗歌


歌 4:12, 6:13, 8:6; 詩 132:13-14; 賽 30:15; 來 4:11
我的心不停呼喚你千萬遍 不願再流離不再失散
歸回關鎖園中 歸回封閉的井 在你安息之所我呼喚你
我的心不停呼喚你千萬遍 不願再流離不再失散
歸回關鎖園中 歸回封閉的井 在你安息之所我呼喚你
在愛情烈焰中 我看到了祢面容
那榮美 榮美的身影
在愛情烈焰中 我觸摸了祢的心
那奇妙 天國的心跳
在愛情烈焰中 祢燃燒了我的心
那濃烈 堅韌的愛情
在愛情烈焰中 祢降服了我的心
我榮耀 美麗的新郎

我的心不停呼喚你 我的心不停思念你
我的心不停思念你 我的心不停呼喚你
新婦 新婦 舒拉密女你回來 (x4)
你回來 你回來 你回來 (x2)
The Groom
Time and time again has my heart called to you
That you cease to wander all alone,
Be my garden once more, be my fount, my spring enclosed,
To a place of rest I call you back home.
The Bride
Time and time again has my heart called to you
That I cease to wander all alone,
Be my garden once more, be my fount, my spring enclosed,
To a place of rest I call you back home.
In the flames of your love,
I've beheld your handsome face,
And your skin like ivory and gold.
In the flames of your love,
You have healed my changing heart;
Now it beats as one with your own.
In the flames of your love
Has my heart been set afire,
And it's forged a love to endure.
In the flames of your love,
I can rest my wandering heart,
O my glorious beautiful groom!
Day and night my heart calls to you;
Day and night my heart longs for you.
Day and night my heart longs for you;
Day and night my heart calls to you.
The Groom
Turn back, my bride, O Shulamite, my bride! (x4)
Turn back! (x6)

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