
【十字架 The Cross (英文版)】敬拜MV - 讚美之泉兒童敬拜讚美 (11)

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发布时间 08 Sep 2021 / 于 赞美诗歌 / 赞美之泉

此影片為讚美之泉發行的兒童敬拜MV,收錄於兒童敬拜讚美專輯(11) 放晴了 After the Rain。實體專輯及詩歌本可於讚美之泉台灣商城及台灣各大基督教書房購買,讚美之泉國際商城亦提供數位MP3專輯/單曲/伴唱曲/歌譜PDF購買。各大音樂串流平台也可收聽所有讚美之泉出版歌曲。請使用正版支持讚美之泉音樂事工,您的慷慨奉獻也將幫助我們繼續推出原創敬拜歌曲。也將幫助我們繼續推出原創敬拜歌曲。


The cross is a symbol of salvation and deliverance. The precious blood of Jesus covers us and cleanses us. We combined this new song and a familiar hymn together to declare the power of the cross. In this music video, both younger and older kids join together to pour out their heart-felt worship to God.

中文版 Chinese Version:https://youtu.be/QzInipx1yOo

十字架 The Cross
詞:鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu
© 2019 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI: 7129033

Thank You, my Jesus, for You carried my sins.
Without hesitation, You gave Your life for me.
With every wound, with every bruise,
I’ve been redeemed, I’ve been completely healed.

By the cross, by the cross, love has covered all my sins.
By the cross, by the cross, Jesus’ blood was shed for me.
It’s the cross, it’s the cross, I am marked with salvation.
It’s the cross, it’s the cross, It’s my glory evermore.

Words: Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915
Music: William H. Doane, 1832-1915
In the cross, in the cross,
be my glory ever,
till my ransomed soul shall find
rest beyond the river.


iTunes+Apple Music: http://apple.co/3pOjhoL
kbox: https://bit.ly/3aAC54D
Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3tsHm6L




[製作團隊 Production Team]
製作人 Executive Producer/ 事工負責人 President: 游智婷 Sandy Yu
兒童詩班負責人 Kids Choir Coordinator: 周巽倩 Mary Chikagami Lee
兒童詩班助理 Kids Choir Coordinator Assistant: 戴伊蓉 Ely Tai
編曲:袁瀚曦 Lambert Yuen
鍵盤手 Keyboard: 袁瀚曦 Lambert Yuen
鼓手 Drums: 蔡顯生 Johann Choy
貝斯手 Bass: 陸世峯 Michael Lu
電吉他手 Electric Guitar: 陳麒安 Andy Chen
獨唱 Vocal Solos: Morgan Chen, Isaiah Liang, Jocelyn Yu, Chloe Hsu, Sarah Hsu, Natalie Ou, Wisdom Hsu, Isaac Yang
兒童詩班 Kids Choir : Angelina Tao, Bethany L., Christina Koo, Claire Chia, Clayton Wang, Chloe Hsu, Elaine M., Ernie Chen, Grace C., Grace Shi, Isaac Yang, Isaiah Liang, Johnathan Ma, Jonathan Yu, Joshua Hsu, Jocelyn Yu, Morgan Chen, Natalie Ou, Samantha Yang, Sophia C Lee, Sarah Hsu, Wisdom Hsu
會眾Congregation: Aleeza Wang, Alisha Wei, Anca Li, Angela Li, Angelina Koo, Ariel Hsu, Avery Hur, Chloe Yao, Daniel Hsu, David Yang, Dicarya Lin, Edward Truong, Elizabeth Tamang, Emma Li, Emma Chen, Enoch H., Esther Wan, Faith Yao, Hairui Hu, Isabella Lu, Ivan Lu, Jadon Yang, Jeremiah Shen, Josephine Cheng, Kaitlyn Yang, Katelyn Yao, Lia Wong, Luciana Pa, Lydia Chang, Lyonn Jap, Madeline Huang, Mateus Pa, Melody Li, Nicole Zheng, Olivia Chiu, Phoebe You, Rachel C., Samuel Liu, Samuel Huang, Sarah Lee, Solomon L., Sophia Zhai, Sumi Taman, Victoria Underhill, Zoe Lin

[舞台團隊 Stage Team]
場地燈光 Stage//Light Design: 林佳欣 Betty Lin, 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng
道具設計 Prop Design: 張思言 Celine Cheung, 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng

[錄音製作 Audio Production]
[錄音 Recording] Stream of Praise Studio (Tustin, CA)
錄音 Recording and Editing Engineer:游智婷 Sandy Yu, 吳瑋庭 Tina Wu, 林佳欣 Betty Lin
錄音協製 Studio Assistant:蔡恩龢 Ivy Tsai, 陸世峯 Michael Lu
混音 Mixing & 母帶後期處理 Mastering:鍾國泰(白金錄音)

[影視製作 Video Production]
Stream of Praise Video Production (Tustin, CA)
導演 Director: 陳麒安 Andy Chen
副導演 Assistant Director: 游智偉 David Yu
攝影 Camera Operators: 吳至翊 Jonathan Wu, 李森陽 Tom Li, 張恆恩 Brook Chang, 蔡顯生 Johann Choy, 袁瀚曦 Lambert Yuen, 楊智銘 Matthew Yeung, 勝山堅一 Samuel Katsuyama, 姚祺音 Judy Yao, 凌子翰 Zihan Ling
剪接後製 Video Editing: 陳麒安 Andy Chen, 吳至翊 Jonathan Wu, 李森陽 Tom Li
封面設計 Design: 張文中 Jeff Chang, 鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng


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#讚美之泉兒童敬拜MV #十字架 #讚美之泉

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