
充滿我(生命河靈糧堂 含經文禱告旁白 國語詩歌)

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发布时间 07 Oct 2021 / 于 赞美诗歌 / 盛晓玫

生命河靈糧堂官網: http://www.rolcc.net

專輯:生命河靈糧堂 -《奔向愛我的神》

我的心 唯有祢 我的靈 渴慕祢
我全人 獻給祢 以全心 讚美祢

舉雙手 敬拜祢 深深說 我愛祢
我的神 我的主 我渴望 親近祢

充滿我 澆灌我 使我靈 得滿溢
充滿我 潔淨我 更新我

充滿我 滋潤我 讓祢愛來圍繞我
我一生 我一世 屬於祢

HALLELUYA MEDIA LIMITED 是非牟利基督教福音機構,為要宣講福音和傳揚主的愛。我們的義工來自於循道衛理、浸信會等教會,求主使用祂卑微的僕人。HALLELUYA MEDIA LIMITED是我們唯一使用的名字。


( Email:[email protected]

HALLELUYA MEDIA LIMITED is a nonprofit making Christian gospel organization. Our mission is to preach the gospel and spread the love of the Lord.

Our volunteers are from Methodist, Baptist and other churches; may the Lord use His humble servants. HALLELUYA MEDIA LIMITED is the only name we use.

We are saved by grace through faith. We believe in the Trinity consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We firmly believe that the Lord Jesus is the only Savior, the Lord who died for us and came back to life, and who will return one day. His salvation cannot be replaced. The Bible is the only foundation of our faith and the standard we live by. There can be no deviation from it.

All rights reserved by copyright holders of respective music and partial pictures. We have no copyright infringement intended, please do contact us if you have any questions regarding to the copyright and further communication. Thank you very much!
( Email:[email protected]

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