
PGC 2022/5/29 Joint Mission Sunday Service 聯合差傳主日崇拜 “Pity For People Headed For Disaster”

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发布时间 24 Dec 2022 / 于 主日信息

主席 :Pastor Iain Davis
講員 :Pastor Andrew Hubbard
翻譯 :林勁浩弟兄

「11 何況這尼尼微大城,其中不能分辨左手右手的有十二萬多人,並有許多牲畜,我豈能不愛惜呢?」 約拿書 4:11

萬福家訊 :

- 感謝 Pastor Andrew 今天蒞臨分享信息。願神賜福他和家人及他的事奉。
- 譚牧師今天在Hamilton 華人宣道會證道,敬請代禱。
- 萬民堂會友大會將於今天下午 2:30 – 3:30 繼續以Zoom視像會議形式舉行。邀請萬民堂會友參加網上會議及進行投票。非會友請按以下鏈接觀看 YouTube 實播。
- 少年籃球營仍有半數名額供8-12年級報名,請把握邀請少年親友機會。5至7年班雖已滿額,但仍接受 waitlist 輪侯。請弟兄姊妹積極報名参與事奉青少年的機會。願神親自帥領和賜福營會。https://peoplesgospelchurch.org/summercamp/
- 下週日 6/5 是萬民堂聖餐主日崇拜。請領聖餐弟兄姊妹在家中為餅和杯作預備 。
- 2022 銳意門徒訓練教會大會將於6/24週五8pm-10pm 及6/25週六 3pm-10pm舉行。主題為「職場門徒 – 國度反擊戰」。講員曾金發牧師及曾麥翠蓮師母。大會繼續以Zoom 網上研討會,現場直播及錄影形式進行 ,英語主講,粵語傳譯。費用每人$60,以教會團體報名10人以上可獲$10折扣。為鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加 ,教會另資助每人$30,即報名者只需付 $20即可參加。查詢及報名請聯絡 Mabel 行政同工 [email protected]

- 為世界:烏克蘭和俄羅斯戰事持續,世界政治動盪,求主憐憫賜平安。COVID 疫情帶來全球民生及經濟嚴重影響,求主憐憫,賜世人更新和希望。為安省選舉禱告,求主帶領我們的省領導。
- 全教會:萬民堂會友大會祈禱,求神引領弟兄姊妹同心為教會事工展望代禱。為萬民堂的小組事工代禱,求神加能賜力各組長牧養關愛組員屬靈成長。
- 兒童部:為籌劃首次的籃球領袖訓練及外展營,求神祝福引領,加力作妥善安排。
- 英文堂:求神加力教牧及領袖們推動青年人互動,參與各項事奉發揮他們的恩賜。
- 差傳部:為盧潔香宣教士將在6/18被按牧感恩禱告,願主得著完全的榮耀。

“Pity For People Headed For Disaster”

Chairman:Pastor Iain Davis
Speaker:Pastor Andrew Hubbard
Interpreter:Ronald Lynn

“11 And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”
Jonah 4:11

News & Events:

- We thank Pastor Andrew Hubbard for his sharing at today’s Mission Sunday. May God continue to bless his ministry and family.
- PGC Membership Meeting will take place this afternoon via Zoom at 2:30- 3:30pm. Invite PGC members to participate and vote. Non PGC members are welcome to watch the meeting from YouTube live broadcast. youtu.be/5FLtMMTu78A .
- Youth basketball leadership camp still have many spots for Grade 8-12. We invite you to pray for and actively invite your friends for outreach and friendship. Grade 5-7 week is full for now but we are still accepting waiting list for more spots with adult volunteer coaches upcoming. Adults are welcome to volunteer in various support roles. May the Lord Jesus do His great work among PGC young people! Details and registration: peoplesgospelchurch.org/summercamp/
- Next Sunday 6/5, will be Joint English and Jr English Communion Service. If you join via Zoom: peoplesgospelchurch.org/g6-8 , pls prepare your bread & cups in advance.
- “Marketplace Discipleship – The Kingdom Strikes Back” – IDMC 2022 Conference will be held on Friday 6/24 8-10pm & Saturday 6/25 3-10pm. Speakers are Rev. Edmund and Pastor Ann Chan. Conference will be online with both live and pre-recorded sessions in English, with Cantonese interpretation. Fee is $60/person and a $10 discount is available for church group registration with 10 people and more. To encourage b/s who are currently attending PGC gatherings, PGC will provide an additional subsidy of $30/person, i.e. applicants pay only $20 to participate. Please contact Mabel at [email protected] for registration or for more information.

Prayer Items:

- Pray for God’s peace and mercy on the Russia-Ukraine war to ceasefires soon.
- Pray for the basketball camp to help build bonding and spiritual growth of youths
- Pray for PGC cell ministry that cell leaders will care and shepherd cell members with God’s wisdom and abundant love.

Praise Items:
- Congratulations to Jenny and Andy for giving birth to a healthy baby boy this week. Pastor Iain and Viktoriia are also expecting a baby girl. May God bless both families.
- Our Missionary Janice Lo (盧潔香宣教士) will get ordinated on Jun/8. Praise to God!

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