
我的平安好處不在你以外 ANY GOOD THING COMES FROM YOU|靈修音樂 Soaking Music 睡覺音樂#relaxbgm #streerelief #sleepmusic

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发布时间 22 Jul 2024 / 于 福音信息

我的平安好處不在你以外 ANY GOOD THING COMES FROM YOU|靈修音樂 Soaking Music| 睡覺音樂 舒壓 情緒治癒 先知性敬拜 #relaxbgm #streerelief #sleepmusic

神啊,求你保佑我, 因為我投靠你。 我的心哪,你曾對耶和華說:
你是我的主; 我的好處不在你以外 。詩篇 16:1-2 CUNP-神

Keep me safe, O mighty God. I run to you, my safe place. I said to Yahweh, “You are my Maker and my Master. Any good thing you find in me has come from you. Psalms 16:1-2 TPT

以別神代替耶和華的, 他們的愁苦必加增; 他們所澆奠的血我不獻上; 我嘴唇也不提別神的名號。詩篇 16:4 CUNP-神

Yet there are those who yield to their weakness, and they will have troubles unending. I never gather with such ones, nor give them honor in any way.Psalms 16:4 TPT

用繩量給我的地界,坐落在佳美之處; 我的產業實在美好。 我將耶和華常擺在我面前, 因他在我右邊,我便不致搖動。
詩篇 16:6, 8 CUNP-神

Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you! Because I set you, Yahweh, always close to me, my confidence will never be weakened, for I experience your wraparound presence every moment.
Psalms 16:6, 8 TPT

因此,我的心歡喜,我的靈快樂; 我的肉身也要安然居住。 你必將生命的道路指示我。 在你面前有滿足的喜樂; 在你右手中有永遠的福樂。
詩篇 16:9, 11 CUNP-神

My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory! Even my body will rest confident and secure. Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore!
Psalms 16:9, 11 TPT
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