
小羊詩歌-雞叫的時候 (Lamb Music: When the cock crows)

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发布时间 26 May 2023 / 于 赞美诗歌 / 小羊诗歌


(YAHUSHUA=Jesus' Hebrew Name)

When the cock crows
小羊詩歌/Lamb Music

他曾說「縱然眾人都跌倒 我寧死也不能不認祢」
一步步彼得遠遠的跟隨 在耶穌被賣的那一夜
He once claimed, "Even if I must die with YOU, I will not deny or disown YOU"
Now the night YAHUSHUA/JESUS was betrayed he followed HIM from a distance
如羊羔 祂被欺壓不開口 默默地被牽往宰殺之地
Though afflicted HE was silent
As a lamb lead to slaughter
Peter's heart was filled with fear
And said three times: "I don't know this man!"

的話:「雞叫以先 , 你要三次不認我」,他就
(Instantly the cock crowed. And Peter remembered the word of YAHUSHUA/JESUS, which said unto him,
Before the cock crows, you will deny ME thrice. And he went out and wept bitterly.)

我的主 我的主 請赦免我!祢深知我的一切軟弱
當祢轉身看我 毫無責備 眼中的愛憐令我心碎!
O my Lord, precious Lord, Please forgive me! YOU have known I am weak!
And that night when YOU turned and looked at me without rebuke,
The love in YOUR eyes broke my heart

我知道祢已經為我祈求 讓我不至於失了信心
是祢憐憫 讓我能再回頭 在愛中堅固我弟兄
But I know YOU have prayed for me so my faith may not fail
It was YOUR mercy that I may turn back to strengthen and establish my brethren in love

弱... 所以,我們只管坦然無懼的來到施恩的寶
(Inasmuch then as we have a great High Priest Who has already ascended and passed through the heavens, YAHUSHUA/Jesus the Son of GOD, let us hold fast our confession of faith in HIM. For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses...So we shall come before the Mercy Seat in courage to receive mercy and grace as our strength at all times.)

我知道祢已經為我祈求 讓我不至於失了信心
是祢憐憫 讓我能再回頭 在愛中堅固我弟兄
But I know YOU have prayed for me so my faith may not fail
It was YOUR mercy that I may turn back to strengthen and establish my brethren in love

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